Soo: 07710 548733 | Emma: 07745 354498
Are you looking to start your own independent school or do you want to take your school to the next level? Do you need an objective observer to clearly define what you need to do? Do you need to revisit your ethos and intentions and create a more adhesive culture? Do you have a time scale?
Whatever your need, our creative team and 'can do' approach can help you. We have many years of experience in setting up schools and provisions, designing and implementing whole school systems, writing policies and procedures and implementing training and support. Our team will work with you to ensure your school can meet its targets and ultimately your pupils can reach their potential.
Some of the areas we can offer consultation and training around are:
For further information on our consultation and training please email for further details.
Square pegs do not fit into round holes so why keep trying the same? For some children, the traditional classroom setting does not work and can create even further barriers to their learning.
This can often become a revolving door which adds to the loss of crucial real education time for the pupil. Cherry Tree is a detached building in a quiet residential area and has a warm homely feel and can cater for up to 10 pupils.
The rooms are spacious and comfortable and pupils will be encouraged to take ownership of their school. The property also has a large safe garden area with working shed spaces where various 'hands on' projects can be carried out.
For some pupils who need an integrated plan to allow them time to settle into school life, a variety of environments can be accessed including classrooms without walls within the spacious outdoors of the beautiful Kent countryside.
In our experience, pupils who have a history of sporadic education respond well when a variety of these learning environments are tried. Through this flexible and adaptable approach, pupils have the time and space to discover their strengths and the way they learn best, which in turn creates the best possible environment 'fit' for the pupil to achieve their potential.
'School can be changed from a negative experience to one in which he or she can achieve, and in which his or her self-esteem can be enhanced. These experiences increase resilience and hopefulness'.
Some pupils need more time than others to catch up, work through their learning barriers and to be ready to engage in bigger groups and / or mainstream schools.
However, some pupils may be ready to move on faster than others. To ensure that Cherry Tree continues to be the right provision for your child, discussions will take place at every PEP and EHC Plan Review to identify and start planning any future potential moves. This will not only ensure that there is a smooth transition plan in place but that everyone including the child, is involved in the decision making about their future.
At Cherry Tree, a blended, interesting and relevant curriculum is created for each individual pupil to ensure that their academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural needs are addressed in a way that captures and motivates them to learn.
The Cherry Tree timetable captures all the elements of the National Curriculum as well as ensuring pupils have the time to learn how to play, how to socialise and how to share and care.
Developing these valuable life skills can be very difficult for children and young people who have attachment and or learning difficulties. Specific time is dedicated for pupils to develop these skills in a safe and nurturing environment.
Pupils are given the opportunity to achieve Functional Skills qualifications which is often more suitable as they enable pupils to achieve in 'bite size chunks', especially if they have previously struggled with a more formal route.
Functional Skills qualifications enable the pupils to achieve up to a level 2, which is the equivalent of a higher level GCSE. The Cherry Tree curriculum also encompasses 'how to stay safe on the streets' through its 'Prevent' scheme of work.
Our 'Prevent' work promotes and ensures that all pupils are aware of the fundamental British values of democracy, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.
Cherry Tree will also assess the skills and needs of children who are learning English as an Additional Language so that they can access appropriate provision within the school.
Pupils are supported with progress into further education in the next stage of their lives and are supported with careers advice and transition.
Pupils also have the option to complete various NCFE qualifications for vocational subjects such as Cookery, Art and Craft subjects, Sport and Fitness and Enterprise Skills.
Cherry Tree also has regular access to a modern music studio with a professional musician who has several years of experience of working with children and young people with complex needs.
Various music skills can be explored such as learning to play drums, guitar, keyboard etc. Singing lessons and Music Tech are also available both at the school and the music studio.
Cherry Tree caters mainly for those pupils whose needs are not currently being met by either a mainstream, special or independent school within the area that they live. Most pupils who have complex and additional needs to help them learn will already have a Statement of Special Educational Needs, or an Education and Health Care Plan. However, to ensure that those who need an EHC Plan have one, we offer to take the lead on pulling all information together and completing all relevant documents so that each pupil has a complete education history snap shot. Cherry Tree staff have a vast amount of experience of working closely with colleagues in Local Authorities and relevant departments to ensure this work is completed smoothly and efficiently.
At Cherry Tree, as well as the PEPs we will ensure that an experienced member of staff will attend (or lead if appropriate) any SEN, EHC Plan or CiC reviews where needed.
All pupils will also have an Individual Learning Plan that will work alongside all other relevant educational documents and will be reviewed either termly or bi-termly depending on the needs of the individual pupil.
(Staff back on 29th & 30th August 2024)
(Pupils return 1st September 2025)
(Staff return 28th & 29th August 2025)
To complement our therapeutic education provision, we will be commissioning our own school counsellor for our pupils to access should they wish to do so from February 2018.
Our counsellor has a range of experience working with children with mental health issues, attachment difficulties and who have experienced trauma and is also a member of the BACP. Initially the counsellor will attend for one afternoon every 2 weeks and then weekly if required.
The pupils will have a choice as to whether they would like to see the counsellor or not, so the option is entirely theirs and will be offered on the day. The sessions are confidential between the pupil and the counsellor, unless any safeguarding / child protection concerns are raised.
We would not want our service to interfere with any other therapeutic input the pupils may be having so we will liaise with all agencies concerned to ensure the best possible outcomes for our pupils.
To assist us in knowing what our pupils need to help them learn, we commission an Education Psychologist to do an up to date Education Psychology Assessment for each new pupil. The results of the Assessment help us to put the right strategies in place and to refer to other professionals if needed. The results are also is shared with other appropriate professionals to ensure cohesive working.
Sometimes parents and carers may feel that they would benefit from extra support if they have concerns about a young person. Sometimes, when it is out of hours, it can be hard to get anyone on the end of a phone. If a parent or carer feels that they are experiencing a particularly difficult time they can contact the headteacher or School Operations Manager to discuss whether some extra phone contact outside of hours would be beneficial in helping towards positive change.
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